Thursday, October 16, 2008

Where penguins are a dime a dozen

Someone in the UT shop shared a funny story the other day.  I believe he is from New Zealand.  Someone he knows in Christchurch took her autistic son with her to the Antarctic Center, which is a kind of learning center/museum right next to the building we went to for orientation and deployment.  They have all sorts of exhibits about Antarctica.  Well, at one point the woman lost track of her son.  When they found him again, and he was soaking wet.  They could not figure out how he got wet, but he looked otherwise fine.  Later on when they got home, she checked on him while he was taking a bath, and in the tub with him was a one-legged penguin.  Apparently he had managed to get into one of the penguin exhibits, picked out one of the weakest members of the group and stuffed it into his backpack.  The mother called the Antarctic Center, informing them that her son had stolen one of their penguins, who apparently assumed he had a plush penguin from the gift shop and replied, "Oh, just bring it back in a couple of days."

1 comment:

Miseria said...

How cute is that? I'd die if my kid stole a penguin... Maybe that's why I don't have kids...