Sunday, November 30, 2008

Condition: Turkey

Well, Thanksgiving was interesting. 

In order to eat at holiday meals you have to sign up for one of three dining times in order for the galley staff to prepare enough food for everyone.  I can kind of see why they would do that, but at the same time it is very annoying since in theory if you do not sign up you cannot eat.  Then again they did not check any lists around dinner so I don't think it mattered.  A lot that goes on down here appears to be on an honor system.  Like then the bartender at Gallagher's runs into the bathroom with the bar unattended.
Anyways, I had signed up for the 1700(5pm) dining time, but was annoyed enough at the whole 'reservations' thing that I decided to sign up for take-out and just retreated to my room with a full plate of food and a bottle of wine.
When I went down at 5pm with my roommate to get food there was a line leading out of the galley and down the hall clear across the building.  We got in line to wait and it took fifteen minutes to half an hour before we got to the food.  The galley itself was very crowded and all the tables inside were decorated with tablecloth.

Saturday was almost a bust as far as the holiday went.  Weather outside for to Condition 2 for most of the day, and if Mother Nature had decided to crank it to eleven it would have made it difficult for people to get to food, although I doubt a Condition 1 would stop people from going for food.

On top of the weather the fire alarm managed to get tripped.  I had time to grab my Crocs flipflops and my Big Red before going outside, which was Condition 2.  The fire department would not let us hang out in the warmth of the entry room so we all got pushed outside.  Someone had mentioned they thought the bar was open, so I decided to go there to keep warm.  Unfortunately it was not, but I remembered the one gym was nearby, open all day, was heated and had tv so I wandered over to there.  Now, while usually I will walk from building to building in these warmer months in just a t-shirt, jeans and my flipflops it is still very cold to walk outdoors when you get snow into your shoe.  Luckily all the buildings are close together for the most part.
Anyways, I made it to the Gerbil Gym and hung out with others seeking refuge in the warmth of indoors while watching out the window for the firehouse to let us back in.

All in all not too bad, especially since I enjoy bad weather.

A bottle of [yellow tail] shiraz, a piece of turkey, a hunk of steak, a baked potato, a roll, a handful of green olives, several chunks of cheese, a slice of flourless chocolate cake, four truffles, and the traditional Thanksgiving shrimp cocktail.  Wait, what?


Anonymous said...

yah, they had that at the galley here too, i figured why not. turns out it was pretty nasty.

XNtr3k said...

Had which 'that'? Turkey? Chocolate truffles? Olives? Plastic utensils?
The shrimp cocktail was actually pretty good. It was merely shrimp and cocktail sauce.
With cocktail sauce I can even brave fish and chips they serve every so often (though I can NEVER get enough of fries with ketchup).