Well, you'd best let him out, he has to spread awareness about Global Warming!

Prince Albert of Monaco is visiting the continent. He is staying in Hut 10, a building normally rented out for parties down here. I heard Monaco recently signed the Antarctica Treaty, so now he's touring the place and trying to spread awareness on global warming. The other night he gave a speech. I did not go to it, as I was tired.
I'm tired a lot lately. It probably does not help that i moved my bedtime back from 10pm to 11pm to make myself more sleepy by the time it came time for bed, or maybe its because I have worked 9 hours a day 6 days a week for the last 5 months now. It'll be good to get back to the states.
I might not trying Wintering over sometime, but not right after a Summer season.
There will be an art show tomorrow. I might enter a couple dreamcatchers I made. I made them from spare parts lying about the shop. The second one is made entirely out of copper and brass. I call it the daydream catcher. It just looks neat. I think I like making these. I like working with wire.
And now, cookies:

The other day I sat down with Michael the Janitor Lead. We eating and he started telling someone else that the steak was good that night. I wound up eating one of the three pieces I had and thought it was good. I started on the second piece.
I tried to tell Michael how good the steak was, but the steak was so good I could not speak
That has never happened before.
Congratulations McMurdo, you have now raised the bar on my expectations for steak tenderloin.
Never a dull moment down there, is there?
Did the ice breaker crew come ashore or just drive by?
Gary sends this:
A man ran into a bar and asked "How big are penguins?"
The bartender answered "A couple of feet."
"Oh, my god!" the man said. "I just ran over a nun!"
The crew has been on and off station. I don't remember seeing the vessel the last few days, but that does not mean it is not there, mainly because where I normally go in a day my view is blocked by buildings.
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