Friday, December 26, 2008

The Three Days of Christmas

It's kinda like Groundhog Day. But with Christmas. And with less Bill Murray.

The town party was Christmas Eve, here. The party wasn't bad. There was no live music nor a DJ. There was a limited bar that offered beer and wine and sodas. There was a corner set up to have your photo taken with Santa, and judging by the photo name I was the first one up for that. It was mostly a social party and I remember talking to plenty of people. I got quite noisy at one point with all the people talking at once.
I did arrive at the party right as it opened and was there until they kicked everyone out.

On Christmas day I slept in a little. I had gone to bed at midnight the night before and got up at nine in the morning as I usually do with days off. I then spent the rest of the day trying to take naps as I wasn't feeling terribly great. I wound up having a nap through my scheduled dinner time, but dropped into the 7pm dinner and wound up sitting with my volleyball team and others I knew from working in Crary Lab. I'll have to see about tracking down all the photos. For dinner I Prime Rib (they had extra), shrimp, potato (it was horrible), a dinner roll, green olives, black olives (I love olives), an ear of cauliflower, and Frosty Boy for dessert (with my usual excessive amounts of hot fudge and dot sprinkles).

And now today is the day after Christmas here, but back in the States it is Christmas, so its like Extra-Innings Triple Special Christmas. I am working Firewatch again.
Apparently a cruise ship was supposed to stop by today. Since the ice breakers have not opened the channel yet the cruise ships fly their passengers over in helicopters and then they get a tour of the town. I had signed up as a tour guide for the cruise ships, but I was never informed of the first training for that and today's training was canceled for the cruise, which was in turn canceled because they did not want to take off in 45knot winds.
I suspect it might also have been too cold for the tourists. Ha.

I realized this is my first Christmas away from family. It would have been nice to have seen everyone together at my Grandparents' house, four of my brothers and my niece and nephews in one place. Conveniently my father did not have to mail out any of the presents I mailed to him, since everyone was in one room.

I am not too worried about not being able to receive presents. I could have had things mailed to me, but it is better to wait until I get back. I also like the thought that there is now a growing pile of packages for me back home, a combination of gifts and things I ordered online.

I know, I've been a bad boy. I need to take more photos for December. I have a few to upload, but nothing really nice yet. I plan to wander around Station soon and take a lot more of the various vehicles down here and maybe several more panoramas.

I am also probably due for a shower and I hope I can get my laundry in tonight.

Merry Christmas!

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